New Caledonian Giant Gecko Caresheet

New Caledonian Giant Gecko
Rhacodactylus leachianus


Life Span : 

This large bodied gecko can live to over 20 years in captivity.


Adult Size : 

Leachianus geckos are some of the largest geckos in the world, topping out as adults at 7-18 inches and 120-350 grams.


Cage Size : 

Leachianus require different caging options depending on age/size. Of course, the larger you can go the better. Remember that leachies are arborial, meaning they spend the majority of their time in the trees, so they will need lots of climbing space and places to hide.

Babies/Juveniles – Minimum shoebox sized tub, and then graduating to a 12” x 12” x 18” glass tank as a larger juvenile.


Adults – Minimum sizing for adults is a 24” x 18” x 36” glass tank.
*Leachianus are VERY territorial and should only be housed in multiples for breeding purposes.


Cage Substrate :

We choose to use bioactive cages as our substrate of choice. For a standard tank set up, you need something that holds moisture/humidity. We recommend using a mix of organic top soil (please make sure it does not contain fertilizers or pesticides), coconut fiber, sphagnum and peat mosses. This allows for moisture retention. 

Lighting and Heating : 

Leachianus are nocturnal geckos. They do not require UVB lighting as long as they are supplemented with Vitamin D3. Heating is not necessary as long as your house temperatures are kept in the mid 70’s and does not fall below the high 60’s. You can use supplemental heat using a heat emitter if temps fall below these temperatures.

Feeding :

Leachianus Geckos are omnivores. They will eat fruit, insects and various small mammals and geckos. In captivity we offer insects once per week and a commercial gecko diet (there are a lot of great ones out there such as Pangea and Repashy) 3 times per week.


Babies/Juveniles: Keep fresh Gecko diet in their cage daily (Pangea, Repashy, etc.) and offer insects once per week. 

Adults : Our Adults are fed fresh Gecko diet (Pangea, Repashy, etc.) 3 times per week and insects once per week. 


Water : 

Leachianus Geckos are a large bodied geckos so they do require a sturdy water dish that they cannot knock over. Keep fresh water in their dish, and then spray their cages every 1-3 days with distilled water. Keep tank humidity around 50-70%.


Multivitamins and Calcium:

We do recommend supplementing your geckos, especially during growing or breeding seasons. We offer bee pollen, calcium powder or liquid calcium (both with d3) 1 to 2 times per week.
PRO TIP: Gecko diet is a PERFECT place to hide supplements



Supplements we recommend :  

 Calcium: Repashy Calcium Plus (includes multivitamin), Calcium

Complex with D3, Liquid Calcium Glubionate with D3

 Bee Pollen Powder: Bee pollen is nature’s perfect multivitamin and one of the most complete foods found in nature. It is the only substance that contains every element found in the human body.  It's also packed full of protein, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and tons of other nutritional elements like antioxidants, enzymes and bioflavanoids.


The best way to avoid a picky gecko is to offer lots of variety at the start!

*Do you want a printable version of this care sheet? Click Here for a printable PDF!

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