Ahhhhh, social media….it is both a blessing and a curse. Social media is imperative these days to run businesses, stay in touch with family and friends and keep track of what the outside world is up to. Social media is a great place to learn new things, start a new hobby, or find new interests that may not have been options to you before. Social media can open many doors. However, it can also close them.
Electrolytes are extremely important for proper re-hydration therapy to take place in the body. Water alone will not hydrate your reptile if it's electrolytes are depleted or out of balance. Any time you begin any type of nutritional therapy on a sick or malnourished reptile, hydration therapy with electrolytes is essential.
If you are going to medicate your own dragon, you should really learn how to calculate dosages. More importantly, you must learn how to read a syringe.
Springtime is here! Breeding season is among us and with that comes a lot of parroting and misinformation about ADV in Bearded Dragons. ADV is no longer the death sentence it was once believed to be. Tracy Saltmarsh wrote an amazing article in regards to the actual research done on this topic and we would love to share it with you.